So far, Jim Burkee is Wisconsin’s only hope to de-throne the 40-year incumbency of fifth congressional district Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Menominee Falls), and what a slog it’s going to be.

Elected to office and enjoying his gov’t power-broker benefits since 1968, is it even possible to unseat this millionaire and lottery winner?

Many Wisconsinites have given up hope, so here are some feisty reminders of why this heir to the Kimberly-Clark fortune should get booted out of office:

1. Sensenbrenner voted for taxpayer giveaways for ethanol production and to benefit large energy corporations before he was suddenly against it in an election year.

2. Sensenbrenner authored the Real ID act. Just when I thought the conservatives could be counted on to reject this expensive expansion of the federal gov’t control, they find a way to conjure a solution in need of a problem. Voter fraud is a myth, folks. It’s a ruse to further dilute democracy and make it harder for the likes of peace-loving nuns to vote so guys like Sensenbrenner can keep their status and welfare benefits.

3. He voted against Wisconsin children getting adequate healthcare coverage.

4.Government spying on Americans is A-Okay with Jim Sensenbrenner.

5. Jim thinks Wisconsin taxpayer money is better spent on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan than making our state and nation stronger domestically.

6. He voted against student loan relief to help make education more affordable.

7. Sensenbrenner voted against affordable prescription drug benefits for Medicare.

8. Gas is nearly $4 / gal., but Sensenbrenner voted against raising the minimum wage to help Wisconsinites better afford getting to work.

9. Sensenbrenner voted against strengthening homeland security for citizens of Wisconsin.

10. Sensenbrenner is against Wisconsin benefiting from stem cell research.

UPDATE: Here's an overview of how Sensenbrenner screws the Wisconsin middle class - pay attention all you borderline upper middle class people living in the state's wealthiest district!

UPDATE: Reason #11