This seems like strange message in an election year when incumbents are supposedly in trouble, but it comes from a spokesman for Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke's campaign:

"This election is going to come down to two things. It's going to come down to experience and proven leadership. The sheriff runs the largest sheriff's office in the state of Wisconsin, with a budget of $150 million. He supervises 1,400 employees," Chris Haworth said.

That statement was in response to Milwaukee Police Dept. Chris Moews announcing he would run against Clarke in the Democratic primary.

Moews has 16 years in law enforcement and is a homicide lieutenant in the Milwaukee Police Department.

At the time Clarke was plucked from obscurity and appointed sheriff by Republican Gov. Scott McCallum in 2002, he was a captain in the Milwaukee Police Dept. and had been in charge of the downtown MPD district.

He had not run anything like the largest sheriff's department in the state, been responsible for a budget of $150-million or supervised 1,400 employees.

But Clarke had no doubt he was qualified for the job. Moews doesn't doubt that he's qualified either, nor should he.

Submitted by xoff on