
Apologize as she may, the articles Rebecca Bradley wrote while she was a student reflect the way she looked at life when she was young, and it is not clear her viewpoint has changed since, other than becoming more sophisticated about what she says in public. The Journal-Sentinel reports today that incumbent Bradley wrote "How sad that the lives of degenerate drug addicts and queers are valued more than the innocent victims of more prevalent ailments," in reference to people who were dying of AIDS. Although Justice Bradley states

"To those offended by comments I made as a young college student, I apologize, and assure you that those comments are not reflective of my worldview," her statement said. "These comments have nothing to do with who I am as a person or a jurist, and they have nothing to do with the issues facing the voters of this state."

I have to wonder about the character and viewpoint of someone who develops such a jaundiced view of Americans so early in life. Add this in to her lack of judicial background and her apparent lack of interest in doing judicial work when she can work with conservative business groups instead, and you have a compelling argument against voting for Bradley in the upcoming election. JoAnne Kloppenburg has proved to have a much better judicial temperament and fairer view of the people of this state.