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Milwaukee musician John Sieger on his blog:

Sometimes you see a bumper sticker supporting a corporate puppet with national ambitions pasted right next to a Mercedes emblem and it speaks to you:

This was the picture I had been waiting for and fell right into my lap. So I took out my little Coolpix and fired away. For a couple months I had bee struggling to put together a video for the song I wrote and recorded with Peter Mulvey called To The Union Man. I had shot dozens of Recall Walker signs in front of modest homes in Milwaukee neighborhoods and wanted to end with a freeze frame like the one above.

The trouble is, I’m not Hitchcock or even an entry level iMovie guy. Yesterday, my friend Chris Hanson took over and created a much better video, starting from scratch and scrapping everything but the bumper sticker. He had already remixed and mastered the song, adding a nice bass part along the way, so I guess you can say I’m really appreciating Chris right now.

The song is supposed to be a throwback to the union songs you might have heard earlier in the last century—the kind where you might have raised your voice and possibly a tankard of fine MIlwaukee beer as you joined a chorus of voices ringing out in the night. Normally, I dislike anthems and other overwrought excuses to join the fight. But, if the tea party is right about one thing, it is this: We do have a class war on our hands. It was declared by the rich and the corporate against the middle class, the working class and the poor. As the old tankard-lifter once said, “Which side are you on?”

This recall election is important, it’s about reclaiming power from special interests like the billionaire Koch Brothers and putting an end to the demonization of teachers and other public servants. If this song helps in anyway to get you fired up in the days leading up to the election, I will be very happy. Now get out and vote!

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