Tim Cullen says he won't run for governor because he can't raise $1 or $2M needed, which is a low estimate. Meanwhile, Tom Barrett reports $414K in the bank, Kathleen Falk $25K and Kathleen Vinehout $24K. Falk's already running and Vinehout sounds like she is. Money isn't everything, but it's way ahead of whatever's in second place. Time for a reality check?

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Read the section in the MalContends blog about the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which has opened the floodgates for legions of right-wingers to ask as vigilantes and comment on names that seem suspicious. The newspaper website claims it is posting only those it can independently verify, but there are several examples of where the complaints clearly are wrong. The newspaper's participating in whipping up the chaos and hysteria...

Other wingnuts want to go through the petitions to intimidate people who signed, checking to see if their co-workers, employees, neighbors, or others signed. You can save them the trouble by putting this on your car. Dem Party is giving them to donors of $5 or more.

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UPDATE: United Wisconsin says it supports the GAB decision to post petitions online, but adds:

 In the face of threats and intimidation from Walker supporters throughout the duration of the petition campaign, we strongly encourage anyone who perceives they are being attacked for exercising their democratic right in this process should immediately contact law enforcement. Furthermore, law enforcement should act swiftly to investigate any such allegations.”

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Democurmudgeon asks:

Have we really given our recall verification duties to We the People of the Republic and the Wisconsin Grandsons of Liberty?

And where'd the money come from for that expensive searchable data base?

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