Where do they find these experts? Fox11 News in Green Bay:

Political Science expert Sara Rinfrets from UWGB viewed the video; she believes it could have been intended to discredit Johnson. But Rinfrets says the Democrats might have inadvertently helped Johnson's campaign which kicked off just weeks ago.

"It might actually provide some name recognition to him, so yeah he's the guy tearing down the sign, the opponent's sign, but it might actually force voters to search or seek more information about him," said Rinfrets. Rinfrets says voters have come to expect such political tactics and in the coming months undoubtedly there will be more.

So does she think Johnson's time is better spent tearing down signs than shaking hands, meeting voters, or knocking on doors?

I clearly know nothing about modern campaigns; it's good to hear from an expert.

Submitted by xoff on