
I noticed this the other day, when I was wondering why the heck I had an increase in Nigerian 419 spam - and took a look and saw that some of it had been forwarded from the Democratic Party mail servers. 

Seems the web site has an invite page that lets you send emails through the site to invite people to the web site.  You can put anything in the email you want.  They even make it easy to take addresses out of your address book.  No Captcha, no spam control, no nuttin'.  A spammer's paradise, just write a little script to exploit it. I haven't seen anybody do this for years - just not good net citizenship.  Anyway, it's been noticed.  Hasn't been fixed as of this afternoon, but it's been noticed.  I keep trying to become one of them high-paid Democratic consultants, so maybe spam alleviation is my in.  You'd kind of think they'd know better.