This is the first article in the Uppity Wisconsin Democratic Convention Coverage.

I'll be reporting from the Democratic Convention in Denver this August. I will be sending back reports, pictures, and video to Wisconsin. In return though, I'd like your help, dear readers. Help can take a lot of different forms:

  • We'll have a number of live blogging events (well, that's the plan, depending on what kind of Internet coverage and other facilities I can come up with at Denver.) We'd like you to participate in those events - fill in opinions, post any news you're seeing, etc. We'll be using the excellent tools from CoverItLive , and perhaps a few of our own.
  • We're working on setting up a nightly podcast roundup for the other bloggers at the convention - if this happens, you'll be able to call in to participate in the discussion - please do !!
  • I'm personally working on blogger network coverage for the convention, where we'll aggregate together the blog coverage from the different people covering the convention, and distribute it to all of the different blogs and whatever media want to cover it. This is exciting!
  • Lastly, of course, there's money. If you're so inclined, please drop a little money in the hat for me to pay to go out to Denver and do this. I'd appreciate it.

More news on all of this soon--