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Scott Walker or Rick Santorum?

1) Which one once said, "There is not a seperation of Church of State."?

2) Which one got married to an nonpolitical wife, yet proposed at the Republican convention and got married on Ronald Reagan's birthday?

3) Which one believes that birth control pills, which women having using for decades, are actually "abortificants" and should be banned?

4) Which one compared same-sex marriage to pedophilia and incest?

5) Which attends a church where they "talk in tongues"?

6) Which one started a youth group called the U.S.A. Jesus Club?

7) Which one said that they literally hear God talking to them and that they believe their actions are God's will?

8) Which one holds the view that if you are raped and become pregnant, you should not be allowed to end the pregnancy?

9) Who once said that David Duke was a "creation of the media" and that Duke's gubernatorial campaign issues were "not at all extreme."

10) Which one once said that all rights come from the Creator and if God wanted collective bargaining, He would have put in the U.S. Constitution?

Answers:  Scott Walker is the answer to all these questions.  Santorum may be a fringe extremist-- but he's no Scott Walker.