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In today's congressional hearing, Scott Walker was questioned aggressively by Virgina Congressman Gerald Connelly about his phone call with someone he believed to be David Koch.

The first absurd lie that Walker told was that he said "outstanding" because he "was trying to get off the phone." Everyone that has listened to that call agrees about one thing: Walker was talking "Koch's" ear-off and Koch was clearly trying to end the call on several occasions, but Walker kept yammering on and on.

The second absurd lie was that Walker said, "I don't even know even know where Cali is," in reference to Koch's offer to reward him for his union-busting by "flying him out to Cali and show you a good time."

Really, Scott? Nevvvvver heard of California refered to as "Cali." Really? REALLY?!?

Walker's testimony couldn't have turned out worse. Clearly not ready for prime time. What the hell was the Gov's staff thinking?!?