If you turn on WTDY right now, you won't hear news or talk radio like you'll hear... Christmas music.  

According to several sources, the station has decided to abandon the news talk radio format and, hence, decided to fire everyone including popular morning talk show host, John "Sly" Sylvestor and top-notch reporters Dylan Brogan, Amy Barrilleaux, Shawn Prebil, Crystal McKenzie, Deanna Wright and Lindsay Adjavor.

This is a message Sly just sent out:


Message to everybody: I just want to inform you that today was my last day of employment at WTDY. After 15 years, I was told that my services were no longer needed. I would like to thank everybody that's supported my program. It's been a pleasure to share this wonderful experience with you. I need to take a big deep breath this weekend and figure out what my future plans are. But, old Winter Soldiers NEVER DIE, and I look forward to letting you know what lies ahead. Solidarity!


Please take a moment and email WTDY general manager Rick McCoy and tell him you disapprove of this absurd decision: rick.mccoy@mwfbg.net