Well, this could (a) be good news for Democrats and (b) make for some lively town hall meetings.

Tea Party activists plan to show up in force at Congressional town hall meetings to push for passage of Paul Ryan's plan to end Medicare as we know it and replace it with a sort of voucher system that will force  seniors to pay much more for health care -- if they can afford it at all.

Polls point to broad public support for preserving Medicare in the deficit debate, with majorities favoring higher taxes for the wealthy over program cuts. But a CBS poll showed nearly 60 percent of Americans know little about the changes proposed by the Ryan plan. ..

It could, of course, also be bad news for the Democrats if they don't get their act together and agree on a message about why Medicare isn't going broke and how terrible Ryan's plan would be for seniors.

The facts are on the Dems' side, but that doesn't necessarily mean they win the political debate.

More at The Paul Ryan Watch

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