"When people ask me, 'How do you appeal to Tea Party folks?' I say: I was the original Tea Party in Wisconsin." -- Scott Walker on CNN.

Who knew?

CNN is taken aback at the claim that Walker is an outsider running to take back the government. The intro to its online story and video -- headlined "Political insiders face off in Wisconsin," says, "It may be a year that favors political newcomers, but in Wisconsin, two longtime politicians are running for governor."

Scott Walker doesn't have the luxury of running as an outsider at a time when veteran politicians are on the firing line.

Walker has been in politics for 17 years, first elected as a state representative in 1993 and then to the post of Milwaukee County Executive in 2002, a position he still holds. But Walker claims the same people who are "jazzed up" about Johnson are jazzed up about him.

So he's the original Tea Party.

And I, of course, am the Prince of Wales.

Submitted by xoff on