The Daily Caller reports:

 The Daily Caller reports:

Republican House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan says he’s on a mission to help elect “more conservatives in Congress to save the country” and plans to endorse in congressional races where there are “clear cut cases between reformers and career people.”

“We’re going to try to get behind people who are coming here to save the country and fight for limited government and economic freedom,” Ryan said in an interview with The Daily Caller about his political action committee, Prosperity PAC.

In a memo obtained by TheDC, the Wisconsin congressman plans to ask supporters to donate to his Prosperity PAC to help elect members of Congress “who aren’t afraid to make the tough, but necessary, decisions to secure our fiscal future, and, when necessary.”

In Wisconsin, what will that mean for Tommy G. Thompson, the career politician who is the squishiest moderate in a Republican U.S. Senate primary?

Will Ryan join the right wingers who are already trashing Tommy?

The Paul Ryan Watch has more.

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