
Mr. Ben Brancel
Wisconsin Secretary of Agriculture

Mr Brancel, You answered our question for the Governor last time milk was dumped. Again, we see farmers dumping milk as the price further erodes. To make matters worse, with falling prices they have to increase production to cover fixed costs which only increases the problem. Meanwhile, the proposed Golden Sands Dairy CAFO in Saratoga looms it's ugly head for those of us next door in the recreational/tourist community of Rome. When does this administration intercede and determine that the tourism revenue from this community should not be put at risk by adding another dairy CAFO to an already saturated market?

Thank you,

Rome Concerned Citizens Core Group, (Facebook) (Adams County Wisconsin)
Don Ystad, Bob Benkowski, Rick Antin, Steve Raap, Rick Georgeson and John Endrizzi

Got enough milk? Yes, the enormous milk glut has prompted industrialized dairy factories to dump 43 million gallons of milk as nitrates and phospherous ravage steams, lakes and groundwater, amid growing report of Blue Baby Syndrome, as bad it sounds. This is indecent.

See the report by Martha White and derivative accoounts.

Submitted by mal on