I don't consider myself so much a pundit as a guy who cares about his country, his state, and the little square of earth where he lives. So -- no predictions for tomorrow night from me.  But a few suggestions and ideas may be in order.

  • Vote - I don't know how many more ways to say it,  Many of the races tomorrow are tight, nowhere more so than in Wisconsin.  
  • Make sure your friends vote.  And your spouse. And your neighbors. 
  • When you get to the polls - be nice to the election workers.  It's a thankless job in any circumstances, and they're going to be having an --- interesting time tomorrow. And if you get accosted in the line or challenged by someone who is not an election worker, don't engage them.  If you are at the polls as an election observer, please remember to only communicate with the chief election inspector.  Details are at http://gab.wi.gov/node/2639 . 
  • If you have problems you have multiple avenues. Wisconsin GAB Voter Center is at http://gab.wi.gov/voters . GAB Complaint form is at http://gab.wi.gov/complaints . Obama Campaign Voter hotline is 1-855-VOTE-177
  • Top 10 things you should know about election day - http://gab.wi.gov/node/2637
  • This election is about the future of our country.  Our president, our congress, our local elected officials.  They're all important.  We have choices.  Exercise them. Wisconsin, in particular, has some very clear choices to make, and is pivotal in the presidential election. I don't see this as a choice between Democrats and Republicans, but a choice between sanity and craziness. Don't let craziness win, no matter how unhappy you may be with the current situation.  I would happily vote for a Republican who had my best interests at heart, but I see precious little evidence that they exist any more.
  • Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard leading up to this election, especially the thousands of people on both sides of the issues who have done so fairly and honestly.  And if you want to see all the ways this has gone wrong, I cannot recommend Greg Palast's book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps  highly enough. 
  • I know a lot of you are working GOTV today - thanks for that too.
  • When you are done tomorrow and waiting for the election turns to roll in, go to a party and enjoy the company of the people you've worked so hard with.   And if that's not in the cards, stop in here, where we will do our best to bring in election coverage - as with everything else here, it's an experiment, but the front page of the site will be taken over by election central at 8 PM tomorrow.
  • As I said - I'm not making predictions.  There are plenty of other people doing that.  I can  tell you that I'm feeling good, and you should too.  Fired up, Ready To Go.