One of the Vision 2020 White Papers developed by the Wisconsin Technology Council over the past several years was titled "'Rust Belt' no more: Traveling the 'I-Q Corridor'".  The last paragraph of the white paper is as follows:

"State policymakers can begin to work with their counterparts in other states on an I-Q Corridor Agenda" that could include pursuit of federal research dollars for major projects, such as high-speed rail and preserving the quality of the Great Lakes."

Walker and his cronies rejected the idea of an I-Q corrodor in favor of legislation encouraging low wage non union jobs.  It is still unbelivable that he turned back $800 million dollars for the Milwaukee to Madison high speed rail that represented the hard work of forward thinking Wisconsinites like the members of the Wisconsin Technology Council. 

In addition, Republicans are currently fighting over including the CAPCO plan in the State's venture capital legislation.  (They must not all have attended the pro CAPCO meeting at ALEC).

As a result, what venture capitalist would put money into Wisonsin?   Not very many, it seems. 

While tventure capital investment went up 22% in the United States, it went down 40% in Wisconsin.

Venture Capital in Wisconsin in 2010 $121.8 Million

Venture Capital in Wisconsin in 2011 $72 million

In the meantime the Celebrate Walker event in Hart Park today is planning to start with a 16 year old speaker who produced a video "my Governor is a Jedi".  So much for the I-Q Corrodor.