As we begin our celebration of Christmas it may be approiate to look at the world in general to see how far we have moved from the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding the poor among us and the difficulty of a rich person to enter the gates of heaven.

As an exercise, I compared the net worth of othe four richest members of the Walton family with the Gross Domestic Product of the there Baltic Statess; Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.  It ia an unteresting comparison.

Net Worth of Four Richest Waltons (Forbes 2011)

Christy Walton:        $24.5Billion

Jim Walton:             $21.1Billion

Alice Walton:            $20.9Billion

S. B. Walton             $20.5Billion

Total:                      $87.0Billion


Now, lets look at the GDP of the three Baltic States (World Bank 2010)

Estonia:                 $19.6Billion

Latvia                    $24.0Billion

Lithuania                $36.3Billion

Total:                     $79.9Billion

The Waltons' net worth exceeds the total GDP of these three countries by $7.1Billion (the GDP of Zimbabwe is $7,5Billion)

It is difficult to imagine how someone could be a Christian and also a Republican.  Merry Christmas