For the second day in a row, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel banners on the top of page one a news story about Scott Walker's call for junking the Common Core statewide educational standards. His new position is pure political rhetoric, because the legislature shot down a bill last session to do just that and won't be in session again until after the fall election. But Team Walker knows this is a freebie -- he can say whatever he likes, however outrageous, and not be held accountable until after it doesn't matter.

Meanwhile, for another example of why incumbency is so handy for struggling politicians, check out last night's PBS Newshour report on the rift between blue Milwaukee and its red suburbs. Excellent piece, overall, although it only shares modes information on substantive issue differences, focusing on politics instead. But note just how much play Walker gets (even if it's not all kind) versus Mary Burke, his challenger. Her name is limited to a brief glimpse of a hand-painted yard sign, and no vocal mention. Of course many voters will hear "Scott Walker" and be reminded of his many failings, but others will see his name and lock down their already mostly locked-down votes. Which, ironically, was the theme of the Newshour piece.

Submitted by Man MKE on