Meet the poster child for overpaid people on the public payroll -- Tom Nardelli.

He's already drawing two taxpayer-paid pensions, will soon get a third one, and has just been named by Scott Walker to a $90,000 a year state job.

Nardelli, a long-time alderman, collects a $30,000-a-year pension from the city. He also draws an Army pension, having served more than 25 years, much of it in the reserves, retirring as a lieutenant colonel. He was Walker's county chief of staff at a salary of $75K, and is still drawing that until April, when his unused vacation and personal days run out and he switches to a $4500 a month county pension.

For those keeping score, that's at least $100,000 a year in pensions, on top of his $90,000 salary.

Nardelli will also be eligible for a state pension. If he keeps his state job for four years, he could get about $5,700 a year -- peanuts to him.

Why'd he take the new state job, counting pencils or whatever he's doing? He's been bored since leaving the county exec's office, he says. 

Apparently Nardell and Walker have never heard of volunteerism.

Last month, the state said 227,000 people were unemployed and looking for work in Wisconsin. Nardell wasn't one of them, but he got a job. Is this a great state or what?

Submitted by xoff on