This Rural Caucus Report received via e-mail:   The Richland County Dems have discovered that Drive Thru petition signing works like magic.   Our Motto is: "Recalls should be easier than getting fries at McDonalds"   We are a county of 18,000 and have had a steady stream of drive ups for two days. We are approaching 1000 names on full sheets with another bunch of sheets signed out to circulators. This evening there were 6 "car hops" with clipboards serving the motorists.   Our hours are 9am-9pm and they early risers are showing up at 7AM, keeping the  first shift, office staff from getting their work done! We have people who have signed up for a two hour shift for every day of the 60 day recall!   We've erected a roof top sign 10 feet wide saying Recall Walker, but haven't had time to outline the letters with x-mas tree lights, yet. The cars keep us hopping!   This weekend we are initiating phase II: Dump Walker.   A 1988 Flatbed Ford Dump truck will sit in the small surrounding towns for afternoons at the schedule below. It will be the mobile HQ for door knocking. Folks at the office have been assigning volunteers, as they call in to ask to help, to shifts at the mobile HQ.   Viola  Sat 19th  12-4 Hillsboro Sun 20th 12-4 Cazenovia    Sat 26th 12-4 Gotham  Sun 27th 12-2 Lone Rock Sun 27th 2-4   And, to reinforce victory, we are scheduling a Recall Revue, with Peter Leidy headlining and local, dramatic, satiracal, prose, and musical acts for February. The date is being nailed down in time to include this on the back of "sorry we missed you" (with contact info for a follow up visit) doorhangers we are printing for our door to door efforts. A local "stay behinder" is being identified for each village for these "mopping up" efforts.   Our area had a head start by being part of the successful Kapanke Recall and the Jen Shilling election. We learned to hit it hard early and keep enough joy and tomfoolery involved to make it way more fun than the grind it can be. Our Recall Ball celebrating that petition drive was one of the best gatherings many of us have attended in years and the volunteers from that event sparked the highest turnout in the state for the Senate Recalls (75% in some townships).   This news is sent to inspire those wondering what to do and to start the sharing we want to have with other local efforts. Every area has strengths to call on. Let's combine all of our ideas and kick these people out of our house.   The Rural way is "Many Hands make Light Work". Our way includes having fun.   Tom Crofton   Rural Caucus, DPW, Action Committee Chair
Submitted by xoff on