For most of my adult life, Dave Obey has been one of my progressive heroes.  No more.

Yesterday, it was widely announced that Obey will be going to work as a lobbyist on K-Street for Dick Gephart's lobbying firm.  (Although, technically he cannot lobby for two years or until January of 2013, but rules smules.)

Who are Gephardt's clients?  All corporations, with the biggest being Boeing, who of course is in the midst of trying to bust its union by opening up a new shop in South Carolina.

In other words, in the middle of the biggest labor struggle in Wisconsin history, Obey is going to work for a firm whose biggest client is a union-buster.  Unbelievable. 

Shame on you, Dave Obey.  I hope you reconsider this very bad decision and preserve the progressive legacy you spent a lifetime building.