[Following is another entry in the Concise Guidebook of Republican Ideology, whose purpose is to interpret GOP political rhetoric and policy positions in clear, simple English. Publication of these entries should never be construed as an endorsement of the policy's logic, reasoning, or lack thereof. Future installments will appear on an irregular basis. Feel free to submit your own entries. And remember: It's okay, if you're Republican.]

Raising Taxes vs. Tax Credits When Democrats seek to end a tax credit that sends billions of dollars worth of benefits every year to oil companies, some of the most profitable companies in the history of human civilization, that's called "raising taxes."  But when Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker decides to whack the Earned Income Tax Credit in Wisconsin by about $41 million, that's just being thrifty and ending wasteful spending on poor people, who are undeserving because, well, they are poor. Besides, we're broke.

Republican mantra explains that tax credits sent to corporations create jobs and the positive economic results eventually trickle down to all us lowly grunts. [NOTE: you are obliged to ignore the fact that oil companies in this country actually have been cutting jobs as their profits have increased.] On the other hand,  the Earned Income Tax Credit directs dollars to the working poor, helping them rise above the poverty line. That's simply anti-job and anti-taxpayer, as Republicans like Walker know. [But not all Republicans: Tommy Thompson and Ronald Reagan championed the Earned Income credit. That was then; this is Scotty.]

Besides, as Walker has claimed, cutting the Earned Income Tax Credit isn't really raising taxes, but rather just taking away money that is given to taxpayers by other taxpayers -- he is merely "redistributing wealth." At least, that is how Democrats would put it, but who believes silly Democratic ideology?

Now, obviously, government subsidies to oil companies also represent taxpayers giving money to other taxpayers. But in this instance that's a good thing, because oil companies are...well, they're....really BIG taxpayers. Really. Really. Big. And they like Republicans who do nice things for them, because that is the natural political order in this country.

Now, it is true that lately the top domestic oil companies haven't been paying any federal corporate taxes, despite their huge profits. But that proves the Republican point. You see, unlike the working poor, oil companies are not functional  taxpayers, and therefore, as Walker surely would point out, all comparisons with tax subsidies to the working poor are clearly and obviously bogus.

Clearly and obviously! Really! [Are you buying this? Look, over there in that corner! Isn't that an Islamic terrorist?!]

Submitted by Man MKE on