
Wisconsin State Sen. Julie Lassa (D-Stevens Point) and David Gorski, Dem Party nominee for the 72nd assembly district, have forced radicals to move $10,000s in dark money attack mailers and radio ads from school privatization forces and other rightwing money to central Wisconsin.

Homes have collectively received some 20 different attack mailers that are not well-crafted and which lack a clear message. Rightwing talent in a presidential election year is apparently otherwise occupied.

Gorski's campaign has Big Ag frightened because Gorski is leading a number of reformers running for public office who fight for tourism, public schools, recreation and water as the life blood of their communities, while extolling the economic benefits of these very resources.

The Republican policy to communities and families is: You're are your own, the state will not help economic growth and jobs in your areas, and rural public schools should be privatized.

This is madness.

You don't see often a candidate for political office intimately tied to social movements, but in central Wisconsin, the clean water and healthy-community movement, (including the entire town government of Saratoga, Wisconsin fighting off what would be devastation from a proposed massive CAFO), is championed by David Gorski and Sen. Lassa, so broad-based and pervasive is the social movement.

Even the water polluters' man in the state assembly, Rep. Scott Krug (R-Wisconsin Rapids), was forced in 2014 to claim he too is against the siting of the proposed Wysocki-Golden Sands CAFO.

To state otherwise is political suicide in central Wisconsin. Krug was also forced, after reported consultation with State Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, to vote against the last Scott Walker budget, a vote laughed off after Vos and Walker sponsored separate summer fundraisers for Krug's assembly run.

But corruption is not so funny in central Wisconsin.

A Gorski ad sounds a lot like a clean water movement video. It is.

Submitted by mal on