For some time now we've run this progressive calendar on Uppitywis.  Now you'd THINK in this interconnected age that every political organization out there would have an events calendar that would be machine readable in hopes of spreading the good word.  You'd think that but you'd be incredibly wrong. We're aggregating in what little we can find out there - if you know of ANY other progressive organizations, local parties, etc. that have Ical readable calendars (or even calendars I might be able to successfully screen-scrape if I need to) I'd love to hear it.  Please note that this INCLUDES Google calendars. Trying to build a one-stop-shop for political events in the state you might be interested in.  It's amazing how many county parties have a "calendar" with no events on it. 

Also -- please remember that you are ALL welcome to add your progressive political events to the calendar - just click on the "Add Content -> Event" link on the front page.