Today the AFL-CIO doubled down on its commitment to inform union members on endorsed candidates Russ Feingold and Tom Barrett. In two mailers referencing their opponents, Ron Johnson and Scott Walker, the AFL-CIO highlights the issues that affect working and retired families across Wisconsin.

The Gubernatorial mail piece states that Walker sides with Wall St. over Main St.  The mail points out that along with raising credit card fees for working families, Walker is promising $2 billion in tax breaks and giveaways to the wealthiest Wisconsinites. 

The Senate mail piece highlights that Johnson supports trade policies like NAFTA and CAFTA that send thousands of Wisconsin jobs over seas.  It reads:   “Ron Johnson always chooses free trade and big corporations over working families. When thousands of workers are laid off all he can say is, ‘That just happens. It’s unfortunate.’”

8th Congressional District:  Reid Ribble on trade is going to a targeted universe of approximately 8,000 households in the 8th CD.

Around 146,000 pieces of mail are going out to union members this week in Wisconsin from the AFL-CIO.  [The universe is 73K for Gov. piece and 73K for Senate piece for a total of 146,000.]   The mail effort is part of the Labor 2010 program which began in July with an aim to educate union members about the importance of the midterm elections.  Volunteers are reaching out to fellow union members in support of AFL-CIO endorsed candidates by making phone calls, going door-to-door, and handing out work-site leaflets daily as part of the Labor 2010 program.


Submitted by wisaflcio on